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photo by 尾鷲陽介


「スツール」はmore trees設立10周年を記念して誕生した特別なプロダクトです。
more treesの活動に通じる「つなぐ」をテーマに、全世界で幅広く活躍されているジャスパー・モリソン氏と熊野亘氏が共同でデザインを手掛けました。シングル、ダブル、ロングの3つのサイズがあり、組み合わせや発想次第でさまざまなシーンでの利用が可能です。
「スツール」はmore treesの想いを体現するとともに、more treesのいままでとこれから、そして世界中の人々と森をつなぐ架け橋となるプロダクトです。

≫「#スツールのある暮らし」の風景 はこちら

デザイン:ジャスパー・モリソン/Jasper Morrison + 熊野 亘/Wataru Kumano
素  材(構造部材):ヒノキ(天然木)
サ イ ズ :
《シングル》縦330×横420×高さ405mm (座面の高さ40cm)
《ダブル》 縦330×横765×高さ405mm (座面の高さ40cm)
《ロング》 縦330×横1200×高さ405mm (座面の高さ40cm)
価  格:
《シングル》 14,300円
《ダブル》 18,700円
《ロング》 24,200円

cartご購入はこちら  シングル / ダブル / ロング


設立10周年を迎えて ~more treesが「スツール」に込めた想い~

そこでmore treesは日本の木材を使ったプロダクトの開発などを通じ、「都市と森をつなぐ」をキーワードに活動を続けてきました。設立から10年を迎えた今、このキーワードの意味をあらためて見つめ直し、これまで以上に「つなぐ」の幅を広げ、世界中の人々が森について考えるきっかけを作りたい。日本の森が育んできた木の魅力や日本のものづくりの技術を活かすことで、さまざまな暮らしに長く寄り添い、世界中の人々にとって身近な存在となりたい。そんな想いを込めて、この「スツール」を作りました。


「つなぐ」を形にする ~デザイナー/ジャスパー・モリソン+熊野 亘~

「スツール」のデザインを手掛けていただいたのは、プロダクトデザイナーのジャスパー・モリソン氏と熊野亘氏。「つなぐ」というテーマを通じて、more treesと日本の森、ひいては世界の森の未来につながるプロダクトを生み出したいという願いを込め、お二人にデザインを依頼しました。


ジャスパー・モリソン + 熊野 亘


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ジャスパー・モリソン/Jasper Morrison


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熊野 亘/Wataru Kumano



ものづくりへのこだわり ~東濃ヒノキの魅力と職人の技術~

「スツール」は「more treesの森」がある岐阜県のヒノキの無垢材を使用し、地元の職人によって一つひとつ手作業で作られています。この地域のヒノキは「東濃ヒノキ」と呼ばれ、古くから寺社などの伝統建築物に使われています。香りも良く、強度にも優れた日本を代表するヒノキです。

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「スツール」の購入金額の一部はmore treesの森林保全活動に活用されます。「スツール」を通じて生まれたひとつひとつのつながりが大きな環を描き、循環を生み出すことで、森を育み、私たちに再び豊かな恵みをもたらしてくれるのです。

撮影協力:Need Supply / mh unit / SOLSO FARM / TRUNK(HOTEL)

※「スツール」の取扱説明書、注意事項は こちら

※「スツール」のプレスリリースは こちら

株式会社more trees design


STOOL: 10th Anniversary Product

The STOOL is made in celebration of the 10th anniversary of More Trees, a Japanese non-governmental forest conservation organization founded by a renowned musician Ryuichi Sakamoto. It is designed by a collaboration of prominent designers, Jasper Morrison and Wataru Kumano, with a concept “connection”, which is the keyword of More Trees’ activities. It comes in three sizes, “Single”, “Double” and “Long” and can be used in variety of scenes with ideas and arranges.
Stool is the product which embodies our vision, connects what we have been through and will go through, and also links people all over the world with forest.

STOOL [ Single / Double / Long ]
Design: Jasper Morrison + Wataru Kumano
Material: Hinoki (Japanese Cypress) from Higashi-Shirakawa, Gifu
[S] D330 x W420 x H405mm
[D] D330 x W765 x H405mm
[L] D330 x W1200 x H405mm
[S] 13,000yen + tax
[D] 17,000yen + tax
[L] 23,000yen + tax

*It will be released October 20, 2017 at More Trees online store.
*Part of proceeds from sales will be used for forest conservation activities.


Stool For More Trees 10th anniversary year.


It’s impossible to live without blessings of nature and forest. Surroundings and situations of forests are varied in countries and areas. Japan is a rich forested country, and it is critical to thin woods appropriately and utilize them to keep the forests in healthy conditions.
With keyword “Connect urban city and forest”, we have engaged in activities, one of which is development of product with Japanese timbers. We focus on “connection” as a concept of this product in the anniversary year. With its attractive features of Japanese timbers grown by Japanese forest, and best use of Japanese craftsmanship, Stool will fit in and accompany your life for so long and bring you an opportunity to think of forest.


Design of “Connecting”: Designers Jasper Morrison + Wataru Kumano

Stool is designed by two product designers, Jasper Morrison and Wataru Kumano. We expected our new product to be something leads the organization to the future of forests in Japan and overseas. Two are the perfect designers to embody what we want to realize.
Jasper has experiences accumulated over many years, universality brought about by his principle, “Super Normal”, and global perspective based on his international projects. On the other hand, Wataru is rich in ideas as a young and spirited creator, has affinity to wood and forest gained in his stay in Finland and Japanese perspective.
By two wonderful designers combining their unique talent and features, brand new product which is able to connect variety things, Stool, was born.

“This “STOOL” is all about distance. Human, Product, and space would naturally connect with pleasant distance by the friendly shape and pure hinoki material”

by Jasper Morrison + Wataru Kumano

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Jasper Morrison

Born in 1959 in London, Jasper Morison is a world renowned designer who designs widely from furniture and architecture to urban space. With his principle “Super Normal”, he has created a lot of simple and universal designs.

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Wataru Kumano

Wataru Kumano who was born in 1980 in Tokyo, learned woodworking skills and furniture designs while he studied in Finland, and was influenced by an affinity of forest blended in Finnish lifestyle. His designs bring with richness to the space.


Commitment to Manufacture: Tohno Hinoki and Skilled Craftsmen

Stool is made of Hinoki from Gifu where one of the More Trees Forests is located, and made manually by local artisans in the area. Hinoki from the area is called “Tohno Hinoki” and has been used for traditional buildings such as temples for a long time. It is a representative Hinoki in Japan for having a good scent and a good strength as material.

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One Last Touch By Users to Connect

Stool is knockdown and would be completed by users assembling parts which is precisely designed and carefully produced. It is a friendly product that makes you connected not only with artisans and designers, but also with your updated life with it.


Rhythm Played by 3 Types of Stool

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Stool comes in three sizes: Single is the simple one as 1-seater, Double is shaped as if two singles are combined, and Long is shaped as if single is stretched out. All sizes have gentle curved form made of warm touch of solid wood and bring warmth to your life. Just like music, it makes very rhythmic expression when arranging with plural. It links you and space as it fits in your lifestyle.


Simple Design and Multiple Usages

Its design is so beautifully simple that you can use it not just as a stool, but in a variety of use.
You will enjoy it in your own way. It will enrich your living space and everyday life.



Assemble and Make It Your Own

st_2032Stool is made of solid wood of Hinoki and features good scent and gentle touch. When you open a package, please enjoy the material, and complete it by assembling parts (it will take 10 to 15min). Since solid wood is living material, you will enjoy the product for a longer time by having it coated with urethane or oil based natural paint.
Last touch by yourself will make Stool lasts longer and more intimate to you. You will enjoy yours grows with aging of wood.

Stool and Forest Conservation Activities

Part of proceeds from sales of the Stool will be used for forest conservation activities. The connection brought by Stool will be linked together, become a large circle and create a circulation, that would bring about forests nurtured and it would bring us plentiful blessings of the beautiful forests.

*User’s Manual

Contact us
More Trees Design, Inc.